Modern Vision -
Designing the Digital Future
This workshop is organized in conjunction with IEEE RO-MAN 2022. Our aim is to develop a new perspective on AI governance in Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) by investigating possible connections with Value-Sensitive Design, Human Centered Design, Universal Design approaches. The rapid development of AI and machine learning has enabled various types of HRI applications in the fields including domestic service, healthcare and military. Accordingly, it is important that we carefully think about AI governance to maintain an appropriate balance between technological innovation and regulation. However, the development of regulatory rules often fall behind emerging technologies, especially when it comes to AI and robotics. To close this gap, we propose introducing design into AI governance. At the level of design thinking, the workshop are interested in stakeholders’ value acquisition, cross-cultural influence, and the harmonization of law with other social norms. In regard to design methods, our interests include, but are not limited to Ethically Aligned Design and Social System Design. Our intended audience is HRI researchers who have experiences in technological development, and those who have an interest in policy issues and ELSI studies in AI and robotics. We expect to welcome 50-60 attendees via a half-day workshop.
During the first part of the workshop, some of the organizers, the invited speakers, and the participants will give each talk (~25mins). The rest of the workshop will be followed by roundtable discussions and design mapping activities. As a result of the workshop, we will plan to make a report on emerging themes and agenda in the HRI, design and public policy communities.

Yueh-Hsuan Weng
Yueh-Hsuan Weng is an Assistant Professor at FRIS, Tohoku University and a Visiting Scientist at RIKEN-AIP in Tokyo. He has been appointed as Tohoku University Prominent Research Fellow (2021), Stanford Law School's TTLF Fellow (2018-2021), Visiting Assistant Professor at The University of Hong Kong (2018), Peking University's Yahoo! Research Fellow (2010-2014). He received his Ph.D. in Law from Peking University and his M.S. in Computer Science from National Chiao Tung University. He is strongly interested in interdisciplinary studies, especially in issues concerning the interface between Artificial Intelligence and Law, including Robot Law, Social Robotics, and Legal Informatics. During his Ph.D. studies, he has founded ROBOLAW.ASIA and CHINA-LII, which are China’s first initiatives in AI Law and Free Access to Law. Currently he is also an Associate Editor of Delphi – Interdisciplinary Review of Emerging Technologies (Berlin: Lexxion Publisher).
Woodrow Barfield
Woodrow Barfield, holds a PhD in engineering, and a JD and LLM in intellectual property law and policy. Woody received the Presidential Young Investigator award from the National Science Foundation early in his academic career. He is the author of Cyber Humans, Our Future with Machines (Springer Press), co-author (with Ugo Pagallo) of the Advanced Introduction to Law and Artificial Intelligence, co-editor (with Ugo Pagallo) of the Research Handbook on Law and AI, and with Marc Jonathan Blitz, co-editor of the Research Handbook of Law on Virtual and Augmented Reality. He is also the editor of The Law of Algorithms (Cambridge University Press), and editor of Fundamentals of Wearable Computers and Augmented Reality, first and second editions (Springer Press). He has taught at the University of Washington and Duke University in law and engineering and has served as the senior editor of several journals relating to telerobots and virtual environments. His current interests are the law as related to human enhancement technology, artificial intelligence and algorithms, and from an engineering perspective the computational infrastructure of the human body
Ugo Pagallo is a former lawyer and current professor of Jurisprudence at the Department of Law, University of Turin (Italy), he has been appointed a member of several group of experts, such as the High- Level Expert Group established by the EU Commission on liability and new technologies formation, and he's working with the World Health Organization (WHO) on the AI for Health (AI4H) project. He is a faculty Fellow at the Center for Transnational Legal Studies in London, U.K.; Vice-President of the Italian Association of Legal Informatics; NEXA former Fellow and current Trustee at the Politecnico of Turin; Member of the Scientific Boards of Infini.to (Turin's Planetarium) and of Scuola Studi Superiori "Ferdinando Rossi" of Turin. Ugo is the author of twelve monographs and numerous essays published in scholarly journals and book chapters, and co-editor and founder of the AICOL series by Springer. His main interests are Artificial Intelligence (AI) & law, network theory, robotics, and information technology law (specially data protection law and copyright).
Osamu Sakura
Osamu Sakura is a Professor at the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo and a Team Leader at the RIKEN-AIP Center for Advanced Intelligence Project in Tokyo, Japan. He received his PhD in 1992 from Kyoto University, Japan, by behavioral ecology of wild chimpanzees in West Africa. After finishing doctoral thesis, he had shifted his field to rather historical and philosophical areas, especially on the reception of sociobiological ideas in Japan. His recent activities include AI & culture, popularization and education of sciences.
Yasuhina Hirata
Yasuhisa Hirata is a Professor in the Department of Robotics at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. He received the BE, ME and PhD degrees in mechanical engineering from Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan in 1998, 2000 and 2004, respectively. His Research interests include intelligent control of multiple mobile robots in coordination, human–robot cooperation system, Assitive Robot and Haptics. He is a member of IEEE,
Luke Hung-yu Chuang
Luke Hung-yu Chuang is an Associate Professor at the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) in Taiwan. Luke earned his Ph.D. in Law at the University of Washington in Seattle and then joined NYCU in 2016. Luke had his engineering degree from the National Taiwan University and MBA degree from the National Cheng Chi University. With this interdisciplinary background, Luke has his research interests in intellectual property and competition law. He also explores legal issues of emerging technology, including autonomous vehicle data protection, drone regulation, legal tech, platform regulation. Most of his recent AI research has been funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education and the other institutes in Taiwan.